If you feel trapped in a society that tells you on and on again that as a male you should be the one making decisions and giving out orders, you might have just found your ultimate destination. Constantly being responsible and having to be the boss can be both emotionally and physically depleting. You know that with all the hard work you’ve put into building your success you deserve to finally have that weight taken of your shoulders. And what better way to let go of it, than to hand that power away to a young, beautiful Alpha Female. You spent years building your own Empire, now it is time to release expectations and let yourself live in line with your deepest desires – under the command of a powerful and alluring Female Boss.
My name is Melisande Sin and I am a proud member of the #SinSisters and founder of the Sin Sisters Dungeon. I am your new Boss, the Boss you’ve always dreamt of – young, edgy yet sophisticated & powerful. I’m well spoken, rather calm and collected – yet with a deeply sadistic nature. I’m not a Queen type – I’m a proactive go-getter who will invade your mind and take control over your body and soul.
I’ve always been “the Boss”, a natural born leader – in my relationships, friendships & professional work. By submitting your power to Me you put yourself in safe hands with years of experience in being bossy 😉 I enjoy showing directions and take great interest in my slaves’ well being, making sure I set a growth scheme for them to become the best versions of themselves. Your success is my success & my success is your success. Once you submit your power to Me, we are forever interlinked. I will keep your mind occupied with slave tasks to perform, that will not only keep your focus on Me but also help Me grow My Empire and help you grown as a human being.
slaveboysmith: For any who follow you, it is very evident you control men with ease. Has that always been the case? Do you recall when you first realized the power you hold over men?
Miss Melisande Sin: I believe I am no different than most women, all women can control men, as they hold a strong, evolutionary rooted power embodied in sexuality over them. That’s not to say that it comes easy to all, most do not realize it. If it comes to me in particular, I was recognised as a natural leader ever since I remember. I find leading people natural – controlling men is an extension of it. I grew up in a family that is run by women, so this was a natural order for me. Women rule, men follow. I never thought of it as matriarchy or anything really, I just thought this is what it is. I believed women are the fire, the drive of everything, the decision makers and the money holders. Men are faithful, calmer, obedient and they need to be led.
sbs: Are you naturally dominant in every aspect of your life, or is Femdom more a roleplay for you when interacting with slaves?
MMS: I can confidently say that I am a naturally dominant person in all aspects of life, be it relationships, social situations or business. That’s not to say that I am always “The Mistress”. I maintain a lot of vanilla relationships and generally prefer living outside a strict protocol on the day to day but being bossy or demanding is something that doesn’t disappear with me leaving the Dungeon. I’m always the leader, the decision maker, the initiator, however not always in a Femdom sense. Part of my Domme persona is a role I enjoy stepping into but it is more of an extension and enhancement of my personality rather than acting out someone who I am not. That’s not to say that there is something wrong with that! I believe it’s a healthy form of play also, for someone who isn’t naturally dominant to enjoy this role every now and again.
sbs: If you could have one celebrity, or well known person, completely at your mercy, willing to do anything you demanded of them, who would it be, and why?
MMS: Dead or alive? I’m not into actors and musicians, I can’t even recall their names. My heroes are business men and scientists. There are quite a few that I would love to have as submissives (and most probably at least some of them are genuinely into that!). But… If I was to choose one and one person only and have the power to make them do whatever I wanted it would probably be the current leader of North Korea. Of course, he’s not my hero in any way! Quite the opposite. Maybe I could convince him to stop being an asshole with a few torture sessions in the Dungeon. I’m sure he’s familiar with the techniques already.
sbs: Is there a specific type of slave you find is drawn to you?
MMS: I feel that the people who are mostly drawn to me are creative, entrepreneurial types with a lot of interests and a slave persona of being obedient, well mannered, devoted, masochist. This is also what I most enjoy. I also attract many latex fetishists and admirers of tall, strong Females. My philosophy of being the “Boss” rather than a “Queen” draws a lot of men who run their own businesses and they wish to stop being the boss for a minute and submit their power to a powerful, Female-leader.
sbs: Do you prefer to break and enslave men who might resist, or use well-trained ones that are already broken in?
MMS: I believe resistance or willingness on the contrary are not really a result of training. Most of the time it is a default attitude. There are plenty of subs who are well experienced and trained yet their character is bratty and just as many newbies who have a strong willingness to please and immaculate obedience. I do not accept solely ones who are already trained as I do enjoy doing the training myself but on the other hand I resonate better with more experienced players just because we can go further. Last but not least I am a very demanding person and I rarely consider a slave trained by someone else trained up to my standards. Not because mine are better but for sure different. What good does a slave make who’s been trained as an excellent house slave but doesn’t know how I take my coffee? Or someone who has an excellent etiquette around helping his Mistress to get dressed but doesn’t know how to care for latex and here I am: a latex fetishist who prefers to get dressed on her own? Each time a slave starts serving a Mistress he will need to undergo extensive training, no matter how long and intense his previous experience. In order not to be the PERFECT SLAVE in general but more PERFECTLY FITTED to HER.
sbs: Do you have specific fetishes you enjoy exploring with your slaves, and does that differ between real time sessions and online training?
MMS: Of course! I indulge in a wide variety of things but among my favourites are latex, strap-on, sensory deprivation, medical fetishes, feet. I do not offer online training (cam) as I do not enjoy it, so it is all real time. I do create clips and I am working on an online slave training programme together with Mistress Maya Sin.
sbs: Can you describe the feeling you have when you have control of a slave, desperately doing whatever it takes to please you? Is it a rush, or just an expected outcome you’ve grown used to?
MMS: It depends. If the chemistry is mutual and the person is really in their sub-space I tend to get a rush too. It is the eagerness in them that makes me tick. If they are simply obeying without much emotion to it I am less responsive in my gut-feeling. Although in a way I am so used to people doing what I say I can’t really say it’s some new empowering feeling. I am very much used to it.
sbs: How can you tell when you’ve completely broken someone and they are unable to resist you? Is there a “tell” of some kind that lets you know you’ve taken total control?
MMS: I do not strive to break anyone. Far from it. I think D/s is funnily enough no less than a partnership. I see my subs as ones who offer their power to me, rather than lose it or have it taken away. I am good at reading people so I can definitely tell once I am someone’s main focus, main desire and they wish to be mine forever. Usually it is an organic process. I don’t expect anyone to fall on their knees in the act of mindless submission. I strive to earn respect in the eyes of a sub so they want to follow both in a D/s setting and simply as humans. I want to be their inspiration. Someone they love to listen to, rather than feel obliged to obey.
sbs: Have you ever been recognized in public? If so, how does the slave react to seeing his ultimate Goddess in person?
MMS: A good few times. Only one or two times however I was approached in person. Most of the time I get emails after saying that they saw me but didn’t have the guts to come to me and say hi! So if you ask what does a slave do in such situation? Usually shivers and runs away! Then writes an email after…
sbs: For slaves looking to impress you, what is the best way for them to show you they are sincere in their desire to serve and spoil?
MMS: Being honest and standing up to their promises. Also, I value people who stick around long-term and are reliable. Most people are unreliable in their life in general so when they attempt to serve, they are no better. There are but few reliable hard-and-intelligent-working people out there and these are the ones that I’m after. Impress me as a human and I will want you as a slave. If you can’t impress me on a personal level no amount of servitude will help it. Useless people don’t suddenly become useful out of the blue.
sbs: Is there anything else you would like to tell your admiring worshipers reading this interview?
MMS: Good job for being here! If you’re reading this interview you’re on a positive route to finding a Dominatrix that suits you and you suit her. Most people approach without doing enough research and choose someone absolutely unsuitable based solely on looks. If you got as far as reading what I’ve got to say on various topics including being a Dominatrix, philosophy on D/s and BDSM etc you’re on a good way to establishing if I am the right for you!
sbs: If you would oblige me one final question…if we were conducting this interview in person, how would it end?
MMS: I generally prefer to maintain such situations professional and vanilla so unfortunately I can’t offer some spicy fantasy to finish it off! I reserve the D/s protocol/ activities for my submissives.
Apply to Serve Miss Melisande Sin