I am Vinyl Queen. I have been a Professional Dominatrix since 1997, and am not someone who simply answered an ad in a newspaper thinking that I could make quick cash while dressing up in pretty outfits. BDSM was a personal pursuit of mine long before I knew the technical terms. Power exchange has been the mainstay of my life and I am most happy when I am in control. This is my work, my hobby, and my lifestyle. I choose not to bandy my private life and activities all over the internet as I find that crass and uncouth. I am a very interesting person and those who wish to know more about me need to spend the time it takes to be awarded the gift of confidence.
Despite the implication of my name, I possess much more than just vinyl in my fetish wardrobe. I have been collecting different pieces for the duration of my career and I can now boast a complete set that includes vinyl, leather and latex. I also have a stunning shoe and boot collection.
When asked if I am a sadist, my answer is I am a consensual sadist. I would never inflict pain or discomfort on a perfect stranger for my own amusement. Rather, I inflict pain and discomfort on those who I have gotten to know me within the context of consensual BDSM. I take great delight in hurting you once the session is under way…
Lest you mistake me for being too “heavy” of a player for your tastes and experience level, think again. I might appear intimidating, but then again you’ve probably never heard my impression of what it sounds like to tickle a Leprechaun…The majority of people who visit my dungeon have strict limits on how severe I can be. Thus, my intensity levels are usually quite moderated.

slaveboysmith: Welcome to DommeAddiction, Vinyl Queen. For any who follow you, it is very evident you control men with ease. Has that always been the case? Do you recall when you first realized the power you hold over men?
Vinyl Queen: I was not necessarily aware of this level of control. I believe this was due to the fact that many men I encountered were intimidated by me. This translated as silence or avoidance on their part. It wasn’t until I had been working as a Pro Domme for a few years that I truly became aware of my hold over men. When I began to receive emails about the “affect” I had over a certain client, then I started to understand what I was unknowingly doing to the opposite sex. I’m using gendered terms here for the sake of this interview.
sbs: Are you naturally dominant in every aspect of your life, or is Femdom more a roleplay for you when interacting with slaves?
VQ: If you want to say that being bossy is naturally dominant, then you could say I am dominant in every aspect of my life. I have always liked having my way, because I feel it is the superior way to proceed. I know when someone else has more expertise and should be making the decisions, but when I am confident that I know best—I don’t tend to hold back. Femdom is NOT a role play with me. If anything, I feel like there was a portion of my life where I was roleplaying as someone else. I was trying to NOT be a Femdom. Now that I have fully embraced this philosophy, I am much happier.
sbs: If you could have one celebrity, or well known person, completely at your mercy, willing to do anything you demanded of them, who would it be, and why?
VQ: This question can be interpreted in two different ways. It’s one thing to have another person do ANYTHING I demanded of them, and quite another to have a BDSM session with a person of my choosing. To keep things neutral, I will answer this question for the latter meaning: I would choose Daniel Craig to have a session with me. Either him or Christopher Meloni would be my fantasy session partners. Of course, Daniel Craig would need to behave like James Bond. There was a Bond movie where the character is tied to a chair and enduring CBT as a form of torture. Let’s just say that image has stuck in my brain since then.
As for Christopher Meloni, I really enjoyed watching him in the HBO prison series Oz. He just seems to be someone who would be fun to taunt and tempt while in my clutches.

sbs: Is there a specific type of slave you find is drawn to you? And do you have an ideal in mind for the “perfect slave”?
VQ: The old and the young! I jest, but there is something to this. When I first started working as a Pro Domme, many of my clients were 20+ years older than I was. I seemed to have kept that age separation since then. I have also attracted some very young clients who are 15 years my junior.
Of course, there are also the foot fetishists. My first professional session, ever, was with a foot fetishist. I wasn’t even aware I had nice feet back then. I continue to draw in men who enjoy my soles and toes.
My ideal for the perfect slave is simply one who LISTENS. It is one thing to hear what I have to say, it is quite another to practice it.
sbs: Do you prefer to break and enslave men who might resist, or use well-trained ones that are already broken in?
VQ: I find those who resist are doing so mentally and not necessarily in a direct, physical manner. The internal battle between the need to submit versus the guilt of doing so is at the heart of most client conflict I have found. This is especially true of American White Males. The version of masculinity that many of them espouse does not jibe with giving over physical control to someone they have been taught who is weaker.
Even so-called well-trained slaves ultimately are seeking out punishment for a transgression—real or imagined. This is why it is enjoyable to dictate tasks that are doomed to fail.
I don’t mind men who want to resist me, but this must be negotiated and not spontaneous. The role-play of the “run away slave” is a quite enjoyable and repeatable fantasy that I have enacted many times over the course of my career. I like when a man ultimately crumples and admits he has no power to resist my whims.
The only issue with well-trained slaves is when this label is self-appointed. I sometimes receive emails from potential clients claiming that they are well-trained because they have served various Dominas for 20+ years. If they are so well-trained, then how come they haven’t decided to serve ONE Domina? Upon checking the references of most of these guys, there is always a story of what he did to screw up. It happens again and again. Those who are truly well-trained will demonstrate their skills via their behavior. They do not have to label themselves as such.
sbs: Do you have specific fetishes you enjoy exploring with your slaves, and does that differ between real time sessions and online training?
VQ: To be honest, this isn’t a topic for public discussion. The reason is that then I will get pestered about these interests if they are not what I engage with during my real time sessions. “How come you don’t do that with MEEEEEEEEEEEE?” will be what I hear about. It’s bad enough wearing an outfit in a photo shoot that I never intend to wear in a session. Case in point: if you don’t offer ass worship, then don’t wear chaps in a photo shoot. EVERY SINGLE DOMINA I have discussed this topic with mentions the types of inquiries she received after posting photos in such attire. I also don’t feel like sharing EVERYTHING I engage via a public context. Some things are not meant for everyone to know. That’s why it’s called my private life.
sbs: Can you describe the feeling you have when you have control of a slave, desperately doing whatever it takes to please you? Is it a rush, or just an expected outcome you’ve grown used to?
VQ: It’s both. To me it’s only a matter of time before a man is doing whatever it takes to please me. It’s a rush, but an expected one. It’s like watching an object that is precariously placed at the edge of a ledge eventually fall off. You know that it’s not in a safe position. You know that it’s going to fall. It’s just a matter of WHEN the object will be taken over by gravity. As an admirer of mine has said, “There is no choice in the matter. It is merely the state of how things are (that a slave will submit to me).”
sbs: How can you tell when you’ve completely broken someone and they are unable to resist you? Is there a “tell” of some kind that lets you know you’ve taken total control?
VQ: When they say, “Hello.” I’m kidding! There is usually a confession of sorts that is either made to my face or via correspondence. It might not be as explicit as the statement, “I am unable to resist you.” It’s usually more of an admission of how much I have invaded this person’s thoughts and existence.
sbs: Have you ever been recognized in public? If so, how does the slave react to seeing his ultimate Goddess in person?
VQ: Two stories regarding this that are both relevant:
I have never been recognized by an admirer or client in public (that I am aware of). I HAVE been recognized in public by a fellow “scene person.” This happened many years ago when I was just getting started as a Pro Domme and I would attend a weekly party called Bondage A Go Go. Since I was a regular, I had an acquaintance relationship with many of the folks who worked at the bar where this event would occur. We knew each other in a very specific context.
I lived in Berkeley, as opposed to San Francisco, so I never expected to run into anyone from the club in my neck of the woods. Then one evening I was grocery shopping in Berkeley and I saw a dungeon monitor in the produce section! We looked up at each other at the same time and there was an awkward exchange of looks. Of course neither of us were in our fetish clothing. We both appeared decidedly un-intimidating in our “lounge wear,” as it were. After this look, we said to each other, “This never happened.” Then we both chuckled and went about our separate ways.
Another story from early in my Pro Domme years: I was walking along a city street in Berkeley, and I saw a client of mine on the other side. I instantly walked into the closest store front (it was a commercial shopping area). I was more concerned that he would see me and panic, and I mentioned this incident to him when we met up again. He was grateful for my reaction.
sbs: For slaves looking to impress you, what is the best way for them to show you they are sincere in their desire to serve and spoil?
VQ: The easiest way to impress me is to be honest and show up. Honesty also translates into spoiling me. Ask me what I WANT, not what you’d like to see me wear. Be truthful about your desires and your schedule. I know when you’re lying about something. I don’t tell you, but I know. It sullies anything we are trying to build.
sbs: Is there anything else you would like to tell your admiring worshipers reading this interview?
VQ: Since this interview was conducted in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, I want to assure those reading it that I have every intention of resuming in-person sessions at some point in the future. This will most likely be when there is an effective vaccine available. In the meantime, I am available for distance training (phone, email, and webcam). In addition, my content can be purchased via individual clips, or on my members site.
sbs: If you would oblige me one final question…if we were conducting this interview in person, how would it end?
VQ: If we were conducting this interview in person, it would end with you bending down to kiss the tip of first one foot, and then the other. Then I would dismiss you from my company.