Femdom Videos: Domme’s Choice reveals “must buy” clips as directed by the Feature Domme herself. Follow the links, buy the clips, and embrace the surrender. Princess Ivy says…now obey!

slaveboysmith: The mind is so much more powerful than the physical when in the right hands. Can you describe how it feels to mindfuck a man until he is unable to form thoughts for himself and is completely vulnerable to your suggestions and demands?
Princess Ivy: I personally love hypnosis. I love to explore My own imagination. When I am hypnotizing, I feel like I am an outpouring stream of consciousness, painting another brush stroke with every word. It’s hard to describe exactly how it feels. I love it.
sbs: Just imagining the weakness that will envelope a slave as you coax them into that step-mom fantasy. What role do poppers play in your training of submissives, and what are your thoughts about the overwhelming popularity of the step-mom genre?
PI: I like to use poppers to weaken already weak men’s minds. The popularity of the step mom genre doesn’t surprise Me at all, I tend to believe in the Oedipus complex. I enjoy playing step Mommy a lot, it is really erotic and I’m just starting to dip My toe into the genre so I’m excited to explore more taboos within My step Mommy clips.
sbs: I will admit I once thought hypnosis was a hoax and that it was more about arousal until I found myself completely under the spell of another Domme. Do you find men who break, if you will, falling under despite their protests that it “could never happen to them”? And what comes next after you take them deeply under? Anything Princess wants?
PI: Men who fall deep into My hypnosis usually want to be there, they have begged for Me to pull them in deeper and keep them there. These men are My favorite because they are highly hypnotizable. Once they are mindless, the possibilities are endless. I have been known to do some evil things while inside men’s heads.
sbs: Can all men be made to succumb to financial domination, and how do you know when they’ve crossed that threshold from paying for pleasure to paying becoming the actual source of pleasure for a slave?
PI: I don’t think all men are capable of being financial submissives. The type of men I attract derive pleasure just from tributing Me. I do not often reply to tributes, yet I continue to see recurring usernames sending consistent amounts and that is how they end up on My radar.
sbs: Your breasts are featured prominently in this clip, as they often are, thank you! It’s not hard to imagine a man falling under your spell, prey to your predatory advances, and completely disarmed by your spectacular curves. What is the typical reaction of men in everyday life when faced with your amazing beauty? I’m sure there must be some rather comical experiences! And yes, once you have us hard, we are literally wrapped around your finger and completely compliant!
PI: I have received a lot of unwanted sexual attention from men for quite a long time. Anywhere I go, I can count on men staring at My beautiful body and face. There have definitely been some comedic experiences, maybe some of My own doing. I can’t help but laugh at men when they drool over My big tits right in front of their wives!

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