Femdom Videos: Domme’s Choice reveals “must buy” clips as directed by the Feature Domme herself. Follow the links, buy the clips, and embrace the surrender. Mistress Natalie says…now obey like a good boy! Also check out Mistress Natalie Feature Interview with us while you’re immersing yourself in her world of sensual cruelty and domination!

Latex Mistress Natalie with Slave B for a New Year’s Session (Pt1 of 3) PUNISHMENT
slaveboysmith: Can you describe how it feels as you approach a bound slave, vulnerable, trembling, and anticipating what you might do to them? All while clad in skintight latex, that must be something overwhelming to any slave!
Mistress Natalie: I’m sure it would be different for every slave. There could be a sense of nervous anticipation, fear, desire, longing, need… I’m sure for most it is a mix of many emotions, a sense of being overwhelmed and yet having extreme focus and oneness.
sbs: You are already imposing even without heels, yet as you tower over your leashed slave the power dynamic is incredible. While having a slave at your feet, eager to worship and begging to serve, are you aware of just the impact your beautiful feet are having on a slave?
MN: Yes of course I am which is why it is one of my favorite positions. To stand above my slave, his/her nose to the ground, eyes cast down only able to glance at my glorious feet. There is so much reverence in that position, as there should be.
sbs: Do all the slaves who end up as your sissy start out wanting that pathway, or is it sometimes something that evolves and before they even realize what has happened they find themselves painted up and sucking cock for your amusement? It’s hard to imagine any man seeking to be locked up, coerced into doing what straight men simply don’t do, and being cuckolded by the woman of their dreams, yet so many do for you!
MN: Every slave has a different path, I never know what the final destination will be. But IF I CHOOSE that path for my slave there is no turning back. Taking a straight man and making him do something so contrary to his genetic make up, JUST FOR ME, is one of the most powerful things I could do. That is true service and sheer pleasure for me.
sbs: This clip has been on my radar since we did your interview some time ago. Seeing your perfect curves in a skintight catsuit is something that could never be resisted! You also have the innate ability to be clinically detached and cool, yet tempting and arousing all at once. Hearing your commands, it’s easy to see how you control and enslave men with ease. Is this clip representative of how you are in session with slaves, training them to behave exactly as you wish them to?
MN: Some slaves need heavy protocol. They strive with regimented training and flourish under strict commands. With these slaves I am very protocol heavy to ensure the best performance and service from them.
sbs: Seeing you with a blonde wig on is something I wasn’t expecting and puts an erotic “who’s the new girl?” type of spin on this clip. The thought of seeing you naked must drive men mad with lustful desire. You are simply astonishingly beautiful and the chance to “win” a game to see you naked must prove too tempting. Yet, would it be fair to assume the game is rigged in your favour, as it should be?
MN: I have played many games of chance over the years and while never rigged I make sure the permitters of the game will always be fun for me no matter who the “winner”. I make the rules, my game and the house always had the advantage.

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