Femdom Videos: Domme’s Choice reveals “must buy” clips as directed by the Feature Domme herself. Follow the links, buy the clips, and embrace the surrender. Goddess Skylar Rene says…now obey like a good boy!

slaveboysmith: When you settle that amazing ass of yours onto the face of a slave, pressing down as you take away everything from them, including the ability to breathe, how does it feel in that moment to have absolute control and power over them?
Goddess Skylar Rene: It feels very enjoyable … to tease, to taunt, to dominate and completely have them helpless under my ass is something I never expected would feel so empowering!
“FemDom Fantasia’s Day 1 Scissor Circle”
sbs: You’ve worked with some of the most incredibly powerful women in the world of Female Domination. This question is two part: who has inspired you most to become the Domme you are today, and is there anyone out there that you have not yet had the pleasure of working with that you would love to arrange something with?
GSR: When I first started out, I really had no clue what I was doing … I was just floundering about, getting tons of emails from prospective clients & producers. I just ended up going with the flow, meeting more people on the filming side of the spectrum, learning new things when and where I could & kinda just was self-made in the process to becoming a fetish model, session wrestler and Domme!
Of course, along the way, there have been so many women in the industry whom continue to inspire me & with whom I LOVE to work with, some of which include: Cheyenne Jewel (she is the first badass beauty who whooped me in a filmed wrestling match), Julie Squeeze, Fightbabe Robin, Savannah Fox, Sydney Thunder, Brandi Mae, Jolene Hexx, Jennifer Thomas, Rapture, Erika Jordan, Ariel X, Kristiana, Goddess Jennifer Marie, Kristie Etzold, Lia Labowe, Sheena, Ava Simon, Dez Desire, Goddess Anat, Mistress Kara, Goddess Nadia, Jewell Marceau, Randy Moore, Antscha, Megan Jones, etc. The list goes on and on and on, to be honest, I have met so many wonderful women in this industry!
As for Dommes (or wrestlers) that peak my intrigue and whom I’d love to arrange something with in the future, I would say some of them are: Bianca Blance, Goddess Kayla Jane, Miss Sara Lips, Tia Wrestler, Jasmine Mendez & Divine Goddess Jessica.
“I’m Going To Break Your Neck With My Legs”
sbs: The roleplay of assassin is so appropriate given your earlier stated magnificent ass as well as the lethal capabilities of your powerful thighs. Are there other roleplays you enjoy and have created in clips and sessions, and any that you’ve yet to explore that are on your bucket list?
GSR: The role-play of being a badass ASSassin is the #1 sought out role I’d say amongst the clientele/custom video customers (I’ll blame that on the Xenia Onatopp scene in Goldeneye)! I have also enjoyed playing the role of say the hired ‘sexy escort’ who to their surprise ends up punishing them for whichever reasons I deem fit … ie. I’m getting back at them for cheating on their partner, who ends up being my bestie OR they’re just a naughty, cocky a**hole that I’d like to put in their place! Haha … I’d say the role-plays that I’ve yet to explore would be on the role reversal side in my personal/sexual life … which, I’ll leave that up to your imagination rather!!!
sbs: I’ve only ever dabbled with scissorholds with one Domme on a very quick demonstration basis. I’m just imagining the damage that could be inflicted by three powerful Dommes like in this clip. What kind of safety considerations go into a scissorhold session like this to ensure your sub is pushed to his limits, but not beyond into dangerous territory?
GSR: First off, you’ve got to know the subs you’re shooting/working with and what their interests, as well as limitations, are. I make sure to not cross over those boundaries of theirs, so to ensure them feeling safe and comfortable. That’s not to say that his limits aren’t being pushed (especially with three strong beauties scissoring the heck out of him) but, I am very cautious in this way & if I see anything that might look like it’s bordering ‘dangerous’ I will just stop and ask if all whom are involved are okay. It’s also a good idea to have a safe word for the sub (which I’ve done on a few occasions with filming) in the case that they are personally feeling like it’s too much for them.
sbs: You’ve mentioned when we’ve spoken before that you do indeed have a favourite wrestling hold that is your signature move during sessions. What can you share about it with our readers and why you enjoy it so much?
GSR: As previously mentioned in my interview with you: “I’d say my more well known signature move is my reverse headscissors, although I’m pretty sure you already knew that! I love putting people into my reverse scissors, although another favorite move I enjoy is the rear-naked choke hold in combination with body scissors.”
I love that my reverse headscissor is my most powerful, inescapable hold that can at any moment knock someone out (if I so do choose – with their consent of course)! Although, putting someone in my second favorite hold: rear-naked choke + body scissors … adds one additional control factor, which I like to term ‘the double whammy’!!! If they try to escape out of the choke hold, I just squeeze my thighs harder & if they try to escape out of the body scissors, I just tighten up the choke hold … haha! So, in saying that ‘the double whammy’ adds an extra layer of inescapability, which is why it’s my other favorite hold!!!