Femdom Videos: Domme’s Choice reveals “must buy” clips as directed by the Feature Domme herself. Follow the links, buy the clips, and embrace the surrender. Domina Snow says…now obey!

slaveboysmith: You obviously have slaves worldwide offering their servitude and surrender to you and can certainly be choosy. What are the characteristics and actions of your “ideal” slave that all who apply to you should aspire to?
Domina Snow: The “ideal” slave for me is one who is autonomous and competent, but service-oriented and attentive to my needs consistently. I dislike having to direct a submissive to do every little thing, like send $25 for this or buy me this item or jerk your cock exactly like I say right now. I simply don’t have time to micromanage slaves so they don’t have to think. I’d rather have a submissive who asks questions, preempts my needs, offers or asks for ways to add value to my life, and sends tributes and tithes as a regular display of commitment (not simply when their dick is hard and they need a fix). That’s not being a submissive, it’s just satisfying a kink.. and that’s fine, but don’t package yourself as being a “slave.” But my pets who serve without asking, support the causes I do, strive to learn more about me and continually strive to grow and improve are my absolute favorites– and they get the most access to my time and attention.

sbs: You explore AI and Virtual Reality themes in many of your clips and create some incredibly unique experiences. Tell us about “The Room” and what slaves might experience and how much fun it must have been to create such a mindfuck for your slaves.
DS: I’ve always been a huge sci-fi fan and I’ve done a great many of them over the years. I love the intersection of technology and Femdom, highlighting the obvious (or not-so-obvious) control that our technology already has over our lives. Some of my favorite inspirations have been Blade Runner, Neuromancer, and The Island. I’ve been cooking up more concepts in this vein to work on in 2021, and they require a great deal of planning, filming, and editing to pull off correctly. I want the viewer to feel “sucked in” and thoroughly immersed in this digital space, where fantasy and reality are simultaneously woven together.

sbs: Rejected and in need. That is quite the dichotomy you create in your slaves. Can you share a little about what it feels like to know every man wants you and to be able to use it against them and create that dissonance?
DS: Ah, the innate sexual desire is one that I love to construct a veritable minefield of. Psychological mindfuckery is my wheelhouse and I love to keep a pet in a state of need with little injections of relief, followed by reminders of their hard wiring, putting their self control against the primal desire for me that they will inevitably succumb to.

sbs: The impact of the strobing effects and your flawless beauty must be substantial. What is the intended effect and what have your slaves shared with you about how this clip affects them and makes them weak for you?
DS: This was another glitchy mind assault, cleverly bundled with my voice and breasts. I wanted to seduce the viewer into letting their guard down, then infiltrate their subconscious. It’s been one of my best sellers so far.
“The Divine Priestess – Sacrament” & “The Divine Priestess – Indoctrination”

sbs: Your clips regularly feature a darkness theme, be it vampire, succubus or Priestess. You create an almost spiritual and evil presence that blends erotica with terrifying imagery. Fair to say Goddess views men as prey to be devoured? Do you recall where these themes originated?
DS: I don’t necessarily view men as prey, I view them as a necessary part of the symbiotic cycle of worship and reverence, followed by a message to simply surrender to the divine feminine and experience transcendent bliss through patronage of a strong warrior Queen.
I love to cultivate a sacred kind of love and adoration. I love the beauty in the peace and serenity of religious discipline and wish to impart a sense of awe and wonder. I would say these are some of my core religious precepts from childhood as I studied mythology throughout different religions, the meta-stories of warrior women. I loved the iconic Goddess archetypes…Innana/Ishtar, Athena/Minerva, Artemis/Diana, Cybelle, Astarte and Astoreth. I love the juxtaposition of conflict and war (traditionally male) and the unattainable sexuality of otherworldly female beauty. I began to view myself as a vessel that could straddle the mortal coil and the divine, giving others a path to experience feminine power through me. I believe that many men in particular are desperate for this kind of experience, given the damage that toxic masculinity has done to the male psyche.

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