For too long, you’ve campaigned against anything that didn’t go along with your Republican, Christian beliefs. You’ve pretended to be anti-gay marriage, spreading lies as you opposed anything connected to gay rights. But while you presented one image to your entire constituency, you’ve led a double life filled with erotic liaisons with shemale prostitutes and pickups from gay clubs. You’ve sucked more cock than any of those that you have condemned with your politics, and it’s long overdue that you are exposed for the fraudulent pervert that you are. Today, your true self will be revealed for all to see as beautiful Mistress T has arranged for you to worship and serve her gorgeous shemale friend, Alexis D. Vyne. Your wife has stayed by your side, despite the fact that you’ve not fucked her in years. You’re too busy sucking cock and prowling for the next tranny date you can arrange. You’ve been visiting Alexis’ website and jerking off to her in your office, all while pretending to be a straight, heterosexual, pillar of the community. Today, you will admit, and demonstrate, to everyone, what a little cocksucking faggot you really are. You love to suck cock. You love being gay, and it’s time that you let everyone know who you really are. Look right into the camera as you suck Alexis’ huge shemale cock and show everyone what a slut you are!