Welcome to this erotic interview boys! Today we showcase the sensationally wicked pocket rocket Princess Mimi! Mimi is a true force to be experienced! Her transformation and climb to Power has been so beautiful to see and I bet that she has those cocks ACHING to please her within this very interview! Thank you slaveboysmith for crawling to Mimi’s attention and illuminating her within this erotic spotlight! Be very good boys for her, she will change your world!
~Goddess Poison~
slaveboysmith: Today finds this very fortunate slaveboy on his knees before the beautiful and seductive Princess Mimi, a woman who enjoys wrapping simps around her little finger with ease. Welcome to DommeAddiction Princess, and thank you for the privilege of this audience.
Princess Mimi: Thank you for having Me, such a sweet and warm welcome indeed. You can stay on your knees, as it seems fitting really.
sbs: I will admit that after seeing your pinned tweet, a POV chastity masterpiece, there is no place I could imagine being than kneeling Princess! Might it be safe to assume that your style tends more towards the sensual than strict? Controlling us through desire and weakness?
PM: Interesting question! As I strongly identify with being a natural disciplinarian, however I do have a very playful side to Me too. I love to play. Often keeping boys on their toes, not knowing which way I might go. But you are absolutely right, desire is definitely a part of My style. I love having simps flock around Me, feeble and weak for My guidance and control whilst absolutely and totally devoted to Me.
It’s such a triggering POV, isn’t it? Such a privileged boy to have such a view.
sbs: So triggering! It’s not hard to see why they would be completely overwhelmed and devoted to you, Princess Mimi. I can feel that effect already and we’ve only just begun the interview. Have you always known the power you hold over others, and how did that translate into becoming a Domme?
PM: I’ve always been naturally dominant, and actually started Domming when I turned 18. Even in My private life, being in charge has always come so organically. If anything I had to learn the ways of a submissive mind since that part was so unnatural to Me. I love human minds, they’re fascinating things, and when younger I found overwhelming joy in playing mind games. Joined with being a very determined and headstrong Woman, seducing was almost a byproduct of My natural form. But over the years, I’ve learnt to harness My feminine power and charm into something quite magical, as I like to put it ‘a creature unlike any other’.
sbs: I can just imagine your power over men twice your age or more even at such a young age. Your domination of men, is it limited to online, or also real time for in person encounters? And is it only men who succumb to your beauty and power?
PM: It is predominantly online because of COVID, but I also prefer to build an online connection first. I love to build long lasting dynamics with My good boys/girls/pets, where trust and respect can really be built. I find the most rewarding dynamics to be those that are authentic, where we share a piece of ourselves in an imprisoned world to true desire & sexual freedom. What I really want is to be able to enjoy those moments of allowing someone to truly experience their purpose, especially when it aligns with My interests. So if a connection has been established, I offer My good boys/girls/pets an in person encounter. I am also offering Double Domme sessions in London from time to time with Miss Ivy, so that’s one to keep an eye on Twitter for too.
-laughs- Do you really think My beauty would be limited to only men giving in?
sbs: No I can’t imagine anyone being immune, Princess Mimi. Are there specific fetishes you truly enjoy most when exploring with your submissives, and what is the ideal slave for you that we should all aspire to become?
PM: Well put, exactly that. All forms of humans kneel at My feet. I don’t blame them, they’re such pretty feet.
I have a few that truly speak to Me, that have always aroused Me: cuckolding, Findom, orgasm control, mindfuckery. They appeal to Me in various and quite intricate ways, but ultimately I love control. I love to be in charge and be the centre of attention, it only made sense to become a professional Princess.
That’s an excellent question, and one I don’t often answer. I like to see if the plaything’s interests naturally align with My own, as opposed to them putting on a performance of what they think I want. And whilst that’s cute but somewhat adorably pathetic, I want to subbies to be their natural subby self that I, Myself can mold into the perfect play thing if I deem them fit and worthy. But I will always look for loyalty, devotion, trust and respect. Whilst I love to abuse, I get off on knowing the other is enjoying it too.
sbs: I have always said that there is nothing more arousing and weakening than wanting to please someone so badly that you will sacrifice your own pleasure. I’m sure all our readers are eager to be that type of submissive for you, Princess Mimi. I understand that you were one of the very lucky Women that Goddess Poison mentored for free in The Poison Academy! How was that experience for you and how grateful are you to have had that iconic experience?
PM: I was indeed! An honoured experience indeed! It came at exactly the right time for Me and I’m so glad to have had the opportunity! To have had some guidance, wisdom and knowledge from the Queen Herself was such a privilege. A great insight to things I hadn’t experienced or considered within the online world as well as having a wonderful cheerleader with progression. Poison has been a great mentor, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the simple fact She tuned Me into that frequency – The Goddess Frequency.

sbs: The Goddess Frequency certainly resonates with all of us submissives! You’ve produced a small number of clips to this point, is there one that you might point to as a favourite that all reading this must buy? And yes, she is the Queen and amazing. I speak as a regularly Poisoned Soldier myself 🙂
PM: Haha! It cannot be helped, Poison will take what is Hers!
I am particularly proud of “Pump with Purpose for Daddy” as it was My first SFX clip. However, I love “Seduced by Auntie” as I look so fine in My Honey Birdette lingerie, plus it was such a fun little concept to play out. It should be mentioned that “Cum to My Face” was Poison’s idea when I was under Her guidance when the group was running live. She helped Me realise the power of just face alone within the online world.
sbs: Your beautiful face is enough to slay us without a doubt Princess. And with what you have learned and already experienced, what comes next for you that our eager readers can anticipate from the woman who is quickly beguiling them with every response?
PM: Many things! The limits are endless! This is only the beginning! I bought a green screen recently which brings a whole world of fantasy to create with, so I have begun experimenting with that. But ultimately My seducing ways will always be experienced best by interacting with Me directly, as you can vouch for yourself from today. My beauty is one thing, but combined with My words, it’s quite the challenge to resist.
sbs: A challenge I am failing completely today Princess Mimi. For those, like me, spellbound by you, what advice might you offer them to ensure they make a good first impression on the woman that will own them?
PM: Such a great question as I’m sure there are the shy ones that haven’t had the courage to approach since I seem too intimidating or too superior. Those that want to approach whilst making a good impression would send their Twitter name to My CashApp along with My initial tribute. Once received, I would reach out to them. I love it when My time and attention is respected and valued before we’ve even spoken. It shows so much to Me. And I highly value such good behaviour. It’s sexy as fuck.
sbs: I do hope my behaviour today has pleased you Princess Mimi, and if so, with your permission, may this slaveboy please ask one final question of you before crawling away and getting to work for you?
PM: You’ve been a delight slaveboy. Go on, what is your final question?
sbs: Thank you Princess and I’ve very much enjoyed my time in your presence. If we were conducting this interview in person, me kneeling before you as I nervously asked my questions, falling deeper with every second that passes, how might such an interview conclude?
PM: With you in a deep depression that our time is over, desperately asking when the next chance you might be able to see Me is, whilst I tell you, laughing, that I’m a very busy Woman that must be begged. You’d be bitch slapped on your knees to the door, kicked to the curb and left with My moist, dirty panties thrust into your mouth for good measure and memories all the whilst hearing My giggling at your muffled desperation.
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