~ I am Mistress Raven ~
Are you ready to submit to your Mistress? Are you prepared for humiliation, guidance, & superiority? I love to Dominate men & women, taking you on a fantasy journey to explore your fetishes & kinks. I am strong, as well as intelligent, with a fiercely stinging tongue. I take special pleasure in turning a wandering mind into a dedicated personal toy, making those wet dreams into reality. Don’t be scared. I have a tender side as well. I take pride in making My slaves feel appreciated when they behave with respect & obedience. I look forward to your service…
slaveboysmith: Today at DommeAddiction finds this very lucky slaveboy kneeling before the imposing, beautiful and sexy as hell, Mistress Raven. Welcome to DA, Mistress, and thank you for this opportunity to bow before you. For any who follow you, it is very evident you control men with ease. Has that always been the case? Do you recall when you first realized the power you hold over men?
Mistress Raven: I have always felt Dominant, even as a little girl. I had a twin sister who was also Dominant & overpowered Me throughout growing up though. It wasn’t until We moved into our own homes that I began to embrace & utilize it. By My late 20’s I knew I could use it for nearly anything, but was still a bit naive to it all. Being a Dominant woman can definitely be very powerful and is something that can be taken to extreme. Now that I am older & more mature, I know what it means to be a true Domme.
sbs: Are you naturally dominant in every aspect of your life, or is Femdom more a roleplay for you when interacting with slaves?
MR: I am naturally Dominant, but I know how to reign it in, depending on the circumstances. In My “vanilla life” I own a small spa where I cater to relieving stress, anxiety, depression, etc. I believe a “session” does the exact same thing for My slaves, just in a different way. There is a psychological component to fetishes/kinks and I’m able to hold that space for them. Yes, they are here to serve Me, but the relief they can feel is just as serving to them.
sbs: If you could have one celebrity, or well known person, completely at your mercy, willing to do anything you demanded of them, who would it be, and why?
MR: Tom Hardy…lol! Funny because I prefer “dark” men when it comes to My personal, romantic relationships. There is just something about his demeanor that is attractive to Me. He seems humble, quiet, & giving. The muscles & tattoos don’t hurt either 🙂
sbs: Is there a specific type of slave you find is drawn to you? And do you have an ideal in mind for the “perfect slave”?
MR: I feel like most of My slaves are into the more taboo kinks such as extreme degradation, toilets, excessive beatings & severe CBT. I have a couple of sissies, but not as many as one might think. The slaves I choose to keep close to Me are My “perfect” ones. They follow instructions, are obedient & loyal. If they can’t show those traits, I will let them go. I don’t tolerate drama or disrespect.
sbs: Do you prefer to break and enslave men who might resist, or use well-trained ones that are already broken in?
MR: I get extremely irritated with slaves who excessively resist and/or try to top from the bottom. Those who consider themselves to be “brats” can look elsewhere. A well trained slave is always nice, as long as they can accept alternate ways in which I might do things compared to their last Mistress.
sbs: In looking through your Twitter, it is obvious that using your beauty and power to completely weaken slaves is a recurring theme in many of your tweets and clips. Would you consider yourself more of a sensual teasing Domme or are you more sadistic and cruel, and do you have any specific fetishes you enjoy exploring with your slaves?
MR: I wouldn’t say I am a sensual teasing Domme, although some of My clips might give the impression that I am. I’m definitely more cruel & sadistic. However, I am very good at reading when I may be approaching a limit. I also believe in aftercare. A conversation about emotions being experienced, a short massage, or just holding their head for a few minutes are an important part of a session. When they leave My Dungeon, they know they can call/message Me with any concerns or just to let Me in on what’s happening. The slaves that are close to Me know a lot about My life, as I do theirs.
sbs: Can you describe the feeling you have when you have control of a slave, desperately doing whatever it takes to please you? Is it a rush, or just an expected outcome you’ve grown used to?
MR: It can still be a rush, especially if the session goes absolutely perfect. I put a lot of time & energy into creating the best possible experiences for My slaves, so I expect appreciation even if something goes wrong. The fact that I am here to allow them to act out these kinks/fantasies in My presence is a HUGE gift to them, so the only thing on their mind should be pleasing Me.
sbs: You have produced some sizzling hot clips already, including your recent series of clips, the seasonally appropriate, “12 Days of Gay-Mas”. Is there one that you would point to that every submissive reading this feature must buy immediately to begin their addiction to your hot content? And what is it about having your slaves going gay for the holidays that so pleases you, Mistress Raven?
MR: Oh yes… The “12 Days Of Gay-Mas”. Haha! Those were fun. I love the Holidays. I think everyone should let out their “gay” side now & again. What better time than the season of giving? 🙂
As far as one particular clip, that is a tough one. I have so many topics, but I think if a slave wanted to see how I am naturally in a session, I would direct them to the “Our New Toy” series. There are currently 5 episodes. The wonderful Brianna Kelly is featured in them. It’s a story about how I bring home a man who tries to pick Me up from the grocery store. I want to teach My lesbian lover (played by Brianna Kelly) how to be a Domme. Reluctantly she agrees & we turn him into our slave in every way. There is a lot of spitting, hitting, pegging, & sucking going on. Lol!
sbs: For slaves looking to impress you, what is the best way for them to show you they are sincere in their desire to serve and spoil?
MR: Doing their research on Me & following My instructions to a “T” will impress Me the most. I have spent a great deal of time & effort on both of My websites. If they can’t even take a few minutes to read, then they will be the last I respond to, if at all.
sbs: Is there anything else you would like to tell your admiring worshipers reading this interview?
MR: I do not typically answer DM’s on Twitter or any other platform, although My Instagram & TikTok were banned a couple of months ago & it’s highly unlikely I will start new ones. The only reason they should be messaging Me is to let Me know they joined My “Conspiracy” page on LoyalFans & sent Me a message there to inquire how to serve Me in the best possible way, OR to send a Tribute, OR to request & Tribute for a custom clip, if for some reason they are not on any of the clip sites.
That is it. Messages like “Hey baby” or I want to be your slave” are unacceptable. Sending unsolicited photos of any kind, especially a dick pic, is absolutely unacceptable! Although, I have started saving them, and I am actually creating a coffee table book of all the unsolicited dick pics I receive with their handle names & face photo if I can find it in their profile. 🙂
sbs: If you would oblige me one final question…if we were conducting this interview in person, me kneeling before you as I lose myself in your intoxicating beauty, eager to join your conspiracy, how might such an interview conclude?
MR: The interview in person would be conducted with you in My bondage cage. The reward would be allowing you to kneel before Me begging to join My Conspiracy.
Join Mistress Raven’s Conspiracy