I am the incomparable Amazon, Goddess Severa, (pronounced Sev-AIR-uh). My perfect, lean yet curvy and muscled proportions inspire awe in those lucky enough to behold Me in person. My combination of intelligence, beauty, height, athleticism and innate kindness creates an indelible experience. I stand OVER SEVEN FEET TALL in heels and boots and am dangerously unforgiving to those who fail to pronounce My name correctly. I’m an ex-professional athlete and model with extensive training in boxing as well as a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I am now a Dominatrix and wrestler.
My style of domination combines seduction with manipulation, kindness with cruelty. I’m adept at eliciting the submissiveness of even the most resistant. Whatever your scenario, I am deviously talented at bringing it to life. I can be haughty and contemptuous or sweetly sinister…I like it all.

slaveboysmith: For any who follow you, it is very evident you control men with ease. Has that always been the case? Do you recall when you first realized the power you hold over men?
Goddess Severa: Men have been attracted to me since I was very young, but it took Me a while to own My power. I was six feet tall at thirteen years old. That’s a very awkward age and to be so big so early was definitely something I needed time to deal with. It’s not that I was uncomfortable Myself- it’s that other people weren’t comfortable with Me. It’s the semantics of: I’m not intimidating- you are intimidated. So, not fitting into the stereotypical way a young girl should look took some time for Me to understand that society’s reaction to Me was less about Me and more about people’s own insecurities.
As I grew older and started feeling more at ease and confident, the more people were attracted to Me. I was inappropriately young when grown men started throwing themselves at me. We’ll leave that there.
sbs: Are you naturally dominant in every aspect of your life, or is Femdom more a roleplay for you when interacting with slaves?
GS: I have a rule that I don’t impose My kink on others. I was well raised and am good natured, good humored and polite. I think people make an ass out of themselves when they try to throw their weight around out of context.
sbs: If you could have one celebrity, or well-known person, completely at your mercy, willing to do anything you demanded of them, who would it be, and why?
GS: Ooohhhh…it would probably be beautiful men like the Rock, (Dwayne Johnson) or a long-haired hunk like Jason Momoa- they both look like they have a sense of humor, are sexy, fun, and don’t take themselves too seriously. Oh, and they’re both tall. I love dominating big men- the kind that may not be used to being tied up and teased by a gorgeous, tall woman.

sbs: Is there a specific type of slave you find is drawn to you? And do you have an ideal in mind for the “perfect slave”?
GS: No, not really. I play well with everyone from the blue-collar Trump supporter to the most politically left-ish leaning academics. I’m happy to play with them all. We find common ground in our shared kink. My ideal slave is upbeat, generous, well-trained and likes to have fun. The activity is irrelevant: I want to have a meeting of the minds.
sbs: Do you prefer to break and enslave men who might resist, or use well-trained ones that are already broken in?
GS: Hmmmm…I’m happy to bring the smack down on a youngling who’s new to the scene- but My litmus test is that he has to be respectful. I don’t tolerate rudeness of any kind. If a sub is resisting, maybe he’s in the wrong place or doesn’t understand who I am or the nature of our interaction. Bad behavior rubs Me the wrong way and I have slapped people right across the face for bad manners. When you come to My place, it’s My house, My games, My rules. Don’t like it? Don’t see Me. My goal is to have a mutually enjoyable time- and if a sub is resisting, he’s not ready for Me. My time is precious as is My peace of mind.
Truly well-trained slaves are a delight to play with and I’m appreciative of all the Dommes before Me who have done their part to educate men.
sbs: Do you have specific fetishes you enjoy exploring with your slaves and does that differs between real time sessions and online training?
GS: Clearly, I can’t wrestle someone or do a beat-down online. Online training and Skype sessions have been a real adjustment. In person is My favorite type of playing, but with COVID, I haven’t had a play date since mid-March. I look forward to just being able to lay My hands on someone again and not being concerned about the health risk. I have a lot of pent-up kink energy and we could do almost anything and it would make Me happy, from cross-dressing, size play, wrestling to corporal…. I have a wealth of experience and interests when it comes to kink.
Online training lends itself well to financial play, imaginative role play and people who might be too shy to meet Me in person.
sbs: Can you describe the feeling you have when you have control of a slave, desperately doing whatever it takes to please you? Is it a rush, or just an expected outcome you’ve grown used to?
GS: If you’re not getting a rush out of playing, then it’s time to move on. I’ve often said that being submissive is a gift. To receive that gift from someone is something to be honored and appreciated and it truly is a rush.
sbs: How can you tell when you’ve completely broken someone, and they are unable to resist you? Is there a “tell” of some kind that lets you know you’ve taken total control?
GS: Hmmm…interesting question. I don’t really think of it as “breaking” people. I think that’s an outdated concept that implies I’m taking advantage of someone because they’ve lost their will due to being overpowered in some way. My subs should ideally feel energized and electrified, not sodden or sad. Our play should make My sub feel amazing, happy, accepted and in the right place. If he’s being meek because he feels physically steam rolled or verbally badgered, that’s not exactly what I’m looking for. I intend to make people’s lives better, not worse. I’m not a bully, I’m a Dominant and there’s a difference.
That being said, the moment that a sub has entered “sub space” is a truly beautiful thing. When he has entered that space, there’s a shifting in the eyes. It’s at that point that I can “use” him in the most delightful and sensual ways, making him wonderfully limp and accepting of whatever it is that I choose to do to him.
sbs: Have you ever been recognized in public? If so, how does the slave react to seeing his ultimate Goddess in person?
GS: I have been recognized in public. More so in New York City where I lived for ten years, than SoCal. In NYC, people walk around on the street all the time, whereas in SoCal we’re isolated in our cars. When it has happened, they tend to stutter and mispronounce My name- at which point I excuse Myself and walk away.
sbs: For slaves looking to impress you, what is the best way for them to show you they are sincere in their desire to serve and spoil?
GS: An excellent question. They would buy out My Amazon wish list: and ask how they could send Me a tribute. Really- during COVID, that is the most helpful thing they could do along with joining My long-running website. My website has been reliably updated every week for over twenty years and has a plethora of content in the form of photos and videos. I would also direct them to My clips4sale store. Additionally- I would instruct them to do a playdate with Me on Skype (contacting Me first at GoddessSevera@yahoo.com). I’ve really been enjoying the chance to interact with fans from afar on that platform. Finally, if they’re low on funds, then they can be helpful by promoting Me on social media, report illegally uploaded videos or do digital art for Me.
sbs: Is there anything else you would like to tell your admiring worshipers reading this interview?
GS: This is a strange time in the world. A time when people are feeling physically isolated and lonely. I can’t wait to meet My fans and play. Until then, I hope everyone is taking care of their health, physically and mentally, getting lots of sleep and taking the appropriate COVID precautions. I’m with you and sending you a virtual hug. This odd time in the world will eventually pass.
sbs: If you would oblige me one final question…if we were conducting this interview in person, how would it end?
GS: I would thank you for your time and interest in conducting this interview. It’s fun to be interviewed and this is a smart way for you to both meet Dommes and provide a service. More subs should be like you.