Here we are again, loser. Now Lady Nina knows you’re not getting any younger. Combining this factor along with Her super sexy outfit, She is going to speak even more slowly so your ever small loser brain can really grasp toys clip. Aren’t you so fortunate that Lady Nina can accommodate “stupid.” Wouldn’t want the fact that you’re Her taxed LOSER not quite sinking in now would we, pea brain.
You can buy this amazing clip on the video store of Lady Nina.

A short 1 min clip of Goddess Allie Eve Knox making fun of your little tiny weird dick. Get ready to follow Her instructions.
Increase your addiction to Goddess Allie Eve Knox by downloading this clip from Her video store.

It’s tax season. That’s right, that time of year has rolled around again. Such a difficult time of year, but not for me. Because April is the time of year that Goddess Dommelia COLLECT Her taxes. And that’s why you’re here. And She is not talking about the IRS or the HMRC, no, She is talking about the taxes that YOU OWE Her, as a male. That’s right bitch boy, following on from Her clip “You Owe Me”, the reparations for thousands of years of misogyny are continuing. So, you’d better have your paperwork and calculator ready, because unless you want Her hounding you down, you WILL be paying your taxes in full.
Buy this exciting clip on the video store of Goddess Dommelia.

All of you cum eaters are just alike… Constantly yearning for your sperm. There is something about eating your cum that has changed you forever. Isn’t that crazy? you got so weak for Princess Mackayla’s hot body that your brain turned to mush and She was able to do whatever She wanted with you. It just so happens that She wanted to turn you into a cum slut. Now look at you! Stroking and drooling for your jizz. There is so escaping this addiction. you are forever changed by Her CEI.
Download this clip on the video store of Princess Mackayla.

Mistress Justine Cross wants you to stroke to Her in these super hot clips She has put together for you: Leather Bikini JOI Merry Goonmas JOI Lesbians Do It Better Lace Playsuit JOI.
Know more by buying this clip on the video store of Mistress Justine Cross.

There is only one thing a bitch like you needs. It’s cock. You are a big fag. King Lexa have all the cocks in different shapes and sizes waiting for you to bend over and take the poundings.
You can buy this wonderful clip on the video store of King Lexa.

This challenge will train your dick to become even more useless. You’ll have to keep watching this clip over and over until you can cum before the on-screen meter fills up. If you take too long you’ll have to start again. You’re never going to build up the stamina of a real man because to do that you need to get experience of actually fucking some hot girls. Since you’re a lost cause, it’s funny just to see how defective Miss Alika White can make your cock.
Now be a good slave to Miss Alika White and download this clip from Her video store.

How are you supposed to know what you truly like if you’ve never been inside a pussy? you’ve never even come close to one. Porn is your only form of exploration, to determine what it is you like. If you’ve never actually had sex, there’s a great chance cock is for you! There’s a reason you’re still a virgin. Talking to women in real life is too intimidating for you! That’s why Queen Carmella thinks you should start watching gay porn and gay porn only (along with Her clips). She thinks you should figure out what it is you enjoy before that big moment comes where you lose your virginity (if that ever happens). At this point, it probably won’t be with a woman! You know you’ve questioned your sexuality, so go on and follow what She instructs in this clip little virgin!
Buy this magnificent clip on the video store of Queen Carmella.

Not many guys can handle Princess Trixie Banks ya know. Its hard to find a boyfriend when everyone thinks She is too “bratty” and that She asks for too much. You don’t think She too bratty do you? Oh look! There’s our waitress. She’s kinda pretty huh? Princess Trixie Banks bet the bitch think she’s prettier than Princess Trixie Banks too. Well then She guess your boyfriend duties start now cause She needs to show her what a girl like Princess Trixie Banks can do to a man. So hurry get on your hands and knees, She wanna watch her see you beg to lick Her shoes clean.
Download this clip on the video store of Princess Trixie Banks.

Men like you look so fucking stupid when you jerk a tiny little cock. It’s easy to mock and make fun of because you look so pathetic! Your cock… It’s laughable! There you are unable to stop stroking your teeny weenie as Goddess Gracie Haze mock and make fun of you. As She hurl insults about your little pecker you can’t take your fingers off it. That tiny little dick will even blow its nasty cum, what a lucky little loser. Pay Her more if you have a tiny pathetic cock!
Know more by buying this clip on the video store of Goddess Gracie Haze.