Back again, pathetic old virgin pig of Mistress Karina? You’ve clearly resigned to your fate of being sexless forever, haven’t you? The only sex life you’ll ever have is jerking it to internet hotties and sending them all your fucking money. No wonder you’re a virgin. You’re so fucking ugly, so pasty and gross, with a tiny little cock poking out from under a big piggy belly. You were MEANT to be a virgin. Those genes aren’t worth passing on. she don’t even see you as a human, pig. You love being a pathetic old ugly virgin piggy for Mistress Karina, don’t you? Degrading yourself and oinking and sending and jerking for Her. As soon as your piggy cock gets hard it’s over for your bank account. And it’s hard right now, isn’t it?
You can buy this amazing clip on the video store of Mistress Karina.

If your biggest fantasy is to be laughed at and humiliated while doing a series of degrading tasks—this clip from Goddess Harley LaVey is for you!
Increase your addiction to Goddess Harley LaVey by downloading this clip from Her video store.

I know your place, and it’s right beneath me, worshipping my sweaty socks. Get ready for a lesson in just how worthless you really are, and why this is the best you’ll ever get in life.
Buy this exciting clip on the video store of Goddess Leona.

You’ll be stroking to my latex-covered, goddess body. It’s the perfect way to remind you of all the pleasures you virgins never get to experience.
Download this clip on the video store of Miss Alika White.

What a position I’m in… a position that you will never experience with a Woman in the real world. A world full of denial is all a virgin like you could ever wish for, and that’s exactly what you will get…
Know more by buying this clip on the video store of Goddess Montera.