What waits on the other side of surrender? Bliss or slavery? Are the two really mutually exclusive? Is it possible to have bliss at the same time as a total eradication of your free will? Goddess Eva De Vil knows with the air of a villainess, taking Her sweet time about deconstructing Her victim, who is secretly all too willing to surrender and accept his new fate. Goddess Eva De Vil recruit you to join Her puppet army, influencing you with Her gleaming latex curves to surrender every string over to Her.
You can buy this amazing clip on the video store of Goddess Eva De Vil.

Princess Ellie Idol
It’s been some time since the events of THE WORLD SUBMITS TO SUPERWOMAN where she stole your superpowers and became ruler of the world. You’ve missed Superwoman but now that she invited you to her place, you feel excited but scared… She seems happy to see you which isn’t the norm. You’re cautious but hopeful about her intentions. Superwoman has just about everything she wants in life, to the point of excess. She rewards those who fall in line and worship her while punishing those who don’t bend the knee. She reveals that lately she’s been banging Lex and he told her about a mind control device that you had once put a stop to when you had powers. She needs you to locate it for her and even tricks you saying she missed you. Once she has it, she can make every single person submit, no destruction is needed again. Once you reveal the location and password, she uses her superspeed to retrieve it. She laughs and mocks you for thinking you had a chance with her. She knows you’ve been jerking off to her without permission and wants to punish you. She’s going to make it so whenever you’re hard, you’ll only be able to cum inside ugly, fat, & disgusting man asses. You’ll have to BEG men to allow you to fuck their butts!! This is what you get. Now go and find that man ass to fuck so she can watch and laugh at you with her super-view!!
Increase your addiction to Princess Ellie Idol by downloading this clip from Her video store.

Hello Mr. Powers. Care to have a little fun? A man like you is helpless to my powers of seduction. Let me inside your mind. Controlling your erection is what I do best. It will feel so good if you just give in. Sinking into pleasure. There is no point in resisting, for that will just make you fall harder soon. Why don’t you get comfortable. This won’t hurt a bit. You are so fucked! Soon I will have you right where I want you, because you are nothing but a weak little man. You are no match for my power. Lose yourself in my perfect tits, my yummy ass, my pretty eyes, my voice casting a spell on you….breaking down your willpower and turning you into a play toy for me is exactly what I intend to do. Pleasure bots taking over – it will feel so good to give in.
Buy this exciting clip on the video store of Goddess Latex Barbie.

Hello tiny puny human man, I’m Goddess Penelope a Super Giantess Goddess that’s landed on earth from another planet. Look at you down there all small and helpless, I could crush you with my bare hands, I can lift cars and tear buses apart. What can you do? NOTHING! I’m strong and powerful and you are neither of those things. You are WEAK! I have super strength and I’m stronger than you’ll ever be. I’ll pull you from your bed and throw you across the room like you’re a tiny little doll. I’ve been loose in your city, breaking ALL THE MEN around me. Snapping their bones. But right now I’m feeling hungry and I need my protein, and you look like the perfect prey for my consumption – how many grams of protein does your body have? Hmmm thats not enough to feed me for a day, I’m gonna need at least three of you to fuel my strong powerful body. I can feel you being digested in my body and making me feel stronger and stronger. The amount of pain and suffering you’ll go through to nourish my amazing body. Don’t try to run from me little man, I’ll catch you and pull your limbs off one by one. First I’ll eat ALL the men, then I might start on the women too – I’ll do anything to make sure my appetite is entirely satisfied. NO ONE CAN STOP ME.
Download this clip on the video store of Goddess Penelope.

My carnivore tendencies cause a lot of destruction in this town. I can’t help my appetite. All of you small and meaningless people satisfy my hunger and give me the ability to grow in strength and power. I feed off of your weakness for my own benefit. Nobody can bring me down. Nobody can stop me. Those that have tried are quickly faced with the same fate as everyone else. The last thing you’ll see is a dark tunnel and you’re gone but I am eager to see how you taste! watch as I tease and inflict fear upon you as your fate awaits. Watch me grow as I feed on my victims. you’re here to fuel my power!
Know more by buying this clip on the video store of Queen Carmella.