Lady Bellatrix went out for a stroll in the forest and have been scrolling through Her phone looking at amusing memes. It is strange though, that Lady Bellatrix have Wifi in the woods but there are no shower facilities. After a long hike, She is definitely wiffy so it is a good thing She have a slave to do something about that. She beckon him to Her and put him in a headlock before asking him to describe the scent. His answer doesn’t displease Her so She tell him to start licking it while She humiliate him the whole time. She forgot to bring razors on this camping trip so the hair in Her underarms must certainly be trapping all the smells. It is definitely a win-win situation as he gets to taste the skanky BO and Her armpits are getting licked clean! She lean back while he licks Her clean and put Her fingers into Her panties but She tell him to close his eyes so he can’t watch.
You can buy this amazing clip on the video store of Lady Bellatrix.
With his face taped up with duct tape and his nose only exposed, my slave has lost any of his senses, making his sense of smell far more stronger than it usually is. Then play a sniffing game with my slave, starting with my trainers, then with my Louboutins, my stinky fluffy slippers, then my armpits, and of course my feet. With his mouth completely covered, the only thing that he can inhale are the delectable objects that I place in front of his nose. He is such a lucky slave to be able to inhale these wonderful aromas as I encourage him to inhale deeper and deeper, pushing his nose right into my armpits and my footwear.
Increase your addiction to Goddess Penelope by downloading this clip from Her video store.

I was wearing this leather high heel sandal all day. My feet got really sweaty. I love the smell of the sweaty leather. I decided to lay onto my stomach with crossed legs and sniff my sandal. This smell makes me unbelievably horny! My nose and my nostrils are really big because I gape them regularly so I can smell my sweaty sandal twice as much as anybody else! You need to see this! Watch this video now!
Buy this exciting clip on the video store of Goddess Diane Chrystall.

There is nothing you would love more than to be my sweat devoted servant. Anticipating that sweet aroma that is potent with every inhale.
Download this clip on the video store of Empress Amora.

Go ahead and take a sniff for Miss Eva, you disgusting little freak. Bow down to the perfection of Miss Eva. Get ready to follow Her instructions.
Know more by buying this clip on the video store of Miss Eva.