One of the Male FWB’s of Lady Nina has asked Her for a favour. And you are what Lady Nina shall be providing to him. After all the orgasms he’s given Her She thought its only kind to hand him Her most HORRENDOUS sub for 24 hours to complete a challenge for his bucket list. He’s always been quite wild and you’re certainly in for a ride! He wants to see how many times he can cum in 24 hours so he needs a slut to be attached to his cock orally to suck him dry thought the day. He’s far too busy to sit there manually jerking off all day so you’ll be there to assist. She have had an identical cock made for them to practice with today, there’s no way She is sending you there embarrassing Her.
You can buy this amazing clip on the video store of Lady Nina.

You know you have long since dreamed of living out your sluttiest whore fantasies, and I’m going to make sure that all of those naughty fetishes become a reality. All of those secret desires you’ve been craving, are sure to come to life when you explore them with me!
Increase your addiction to Goddess Harley LaVey by downloading this clip from Her video store.

You always envied me because I am so hot and I can have all the men I want with just a snap of my fingers. That’s why today I am going to turn you into a minion of mine. You will be the slut version of me!
Buy this exciting clip on the video store of Lady Mesmeratrix.

So you think you are a butt slut? I’ll be the judge of that. No more cheap metal mini plugs with the jewel on the bottom – those are -garbage- for a buttplug snob like me. If you are ready to train for real, I have just the thing to get you started on your path to deep, thick anal exploration. Soft silicone can stretch you open nicely, and soon, you’ll be sinking down onto big dildos just like these ones…. how entertaining. Time to expand on your sluts skills !
Download this clip on the video store of Goddess Latex Barbie.

I LOVE SLUTS! And I mean that from the depths of My soul. I love raunchy, dirty, down-for-anything sluts…they are the best play toys, mates, lovers, and whores you can count on. I mean who wouldn’t want a slutty little slut all themself?! However, you’ve missed your chance with Me this week so I have lots to update you on, plus let you know who is fighting for you “slut-Spot”, what I expect of you IF I let you come with Me next time, and My ultimate slut dream fantasy!!
Know more by buying this clip on the video store of Goddess Naadia.