Miss Raquel Roper loves using Her furniture, especially when She’s able to incorporate new ways to make Her human furniture suffer EVEN MORE under Her perfect ass. Using Her pull-up bar to sit on Her slave’s useless face. Going up and down. Pinning him down underneath Her. Right under Her ass where he belongs. Trapped. A face-sitting hell… or heaven for some. Turning him into the perfect seat for Miss Raquel Roper.
You can buy this amazing clip on the video store of Miss Raquel Roper.

You’re such a fucking loser… I got you to clean my entire house and I don’t even half to talk to you! Maybe like once or twice to put you in place, LOL. What else are slaves good for besides that? Oh and maybe foot massages.
Increase your addiction to Princess Trixie Banks by downloading this clip from Her video store.

See what an elegant human carpet I have. He can also make a comfortable low footstool. He encouraged me to relax my feet on it. This footrest can even kiss and worship my feet. Is fantastic!! I wonder if it can lick them too? I must check it out!
Buy this exciting clip on the video store of Mistress Dinah.

Today u will learn your rightful place—beneath me. a true submissive knows that their purpose is to serve, to be used however I please, without question or hesitation. today, u are not a person; u are furniture. silent, still, and completely devoted to my comfort. ur training begins now.
Download this clip on the video store of Goddess Amber.

This loser is being used as the foot stool of Miss Amy. He gets slapped and ignored. Bow down to the perfection of Miss Amy and follow Her instructions.
Know more by buying this clip on the video store of Miss Amy.