Does a fat pig like you deserve to stroke his cock to Miss Alika White like a normal guy? No way. She is going to make you do it in ways that shames you for how disgusting you look. Miss Alika White want to really rub it in. Who knows, maybe you’ll feel so ashamed by the end of it, you might actually do something about it. So fatboy, no excuses. If you’re overweight or obese, get this clip and She will teach you a lesson.
You can buy this amazing clip on the video store of Miss Alika White.

When you get caught gawking at me in the gym with a giant wet spot in your pants, you get hit with a harsh slap of reality. You should spend a little less time drooling over the women, and a little more time putting weights in your hand instead of your dick.
Download this clip on the video store of Goddess Harley LaVey.

When will it be enough? Your bad decisions are finally catching up to you and you’re in trouble. You’re getting so large and gross that it’s now affecting your healthy. Where is your self respect? You will continue to push yourself further away from society’s good graces if you don’t knock it off with the food and get your self together.
Buy this exciting clip on the video store of Mistress Sage Ambrose.

Do you know what it’s like to have any type of discipline in your life? No of course you don’t, that’s why you’re a weak disgusting little fatso. You’re weak and pathetic, and I’m more superior than you in every single way. You wouldn’t even have the mental ability to stay focused and determined enough to look and feel good. People like you disgust me. All you want to do is BINGE everything. Over indulge in everything. All you want to do is eat like a fucking loser and jerk your pathetic dick. Can you even see your dick under those rolls of fat? You look like a fucking fat mess. You’re just a fat fuck, a fatty! Your dick looks so tiny because you’re so fucking fat.
Increase your addiction to Goddess Penelope by downloading this clip from Her video store.

FATTY MC FAT FAT!! haha look at you… sitting on your ass all day long like a good pay piggy. Too weak to lift anything besides your finger when hitting ‘send’ !! You could never be strong and powerful like Prrincess.. I should literally fuck you up in a headlock with these strong legs of mine! After wards I’ll drain your wallet and call it a workout hahaha!! That’s literally all you’re good for, without that wallet you’re absolutely worthless. Without hot brats you’re nothing!! nothing but a FATTY. At least for now.. you’re MY fatty !!
Know more by buying this clip on the video store of Princess Cherry.