You have been the sissy house maid of Princess Aurora for quite some time now. You work is usually up to Her high standards. However recently She feel you have been slipping. She is no longer satisfied with the quality of your work. So you must be punished. If She is going to re-train you to your former self She feel this must be an experience that will stay with you FOREVER. You’ll be getting your usual firm spanking however to really make the message sink in you’ll not be alone. Princess Aurora is inviting a bunch of Her friends over to watch!! That’s right you’ll be exposed-fantasy to a group of hot girls. Your cross dressing maid antics revealed. How embarrassing for you. They’ll laugh, make snooty comments and of course take tons of photos to share with their friends. This is what happens when a sissy maid gets lazy!! Oh what’s that? She hear the doorbell! Better go let those mean girls in.
You can buy this amazing clip on the video store of Princess Aurora.

Fucking with you is just so much fun. You’ve been a good boy huh? Paid for my silence and done all your tasks you say? Sure maybe so. But Goddess can always change the rules. And did we ever actually agree on me not telling your wife you’re gay?? Are you gay?? You’re not?! The videos I have of you would prove pretty convincing to the vanilla civilian.. aka your wife… Looks like all you’re getting for valentines is divorce papers and labelled a big fat FAG.
Increase your addiction to Lady Nina by downloading this clip from Her video store.

I know a dirty little secret about you… I know you fantasize about having your life ruined by a hot, bratty Goddess like Me. Just the thought of being blackmailed gets you SO turned on. There’s something so irresistibly seductive about Me leaking all that sensitive information. But I don’t want you to just fantasize about it—I want you to act on it.
Buy this exciting clip on the video store of Goddess Violet Voss.

You crave exposure, and I’m going to give it to you. Complete the steps outlined in this clip, and receive your personalized exposure task. And no, you won’t be posting anything to your social media accounts. That’s all the information I will be giving you 🙂
Download this clip on the video store of Princess Candy Glitter.

Being a good boyfriend is impossible when you can’t stop thinking about me. You shouldn’t want me so much, but you do. You only got a girlfriend to fill the gaping hole left behind every time you’re done stroking for me. You’re hopeless. This might be our little secret for now, but if you’re not a good slave then I might just expose-fantasy you for what you really are.
Know more by buying this clip on the video store of Princess Rea Rays.