Consider this clip your gateway into seriously life-impacting financial domination. As you listen to her exotic French accent, Goddess Theodora explains clearly how she expects you to devote your life to working harder for her…working like a dog. Work hard, make more money and satisfy your beautiful Goddess’ demands. She is as beautiful as any woman you could ever dream up. Her long legs in those sexy boots and that bodystocking make you so vulnerable and make sacrificing everything for her so easy. You don’t need to sleep, you don’t need a social life. Your existence is predicated on working harder and giving more to Goddess Theodora. This is the first step towards satisfying her insatiable financial thirst. Learn to take pleasure in making sacrifices and putting your needs aside. Goddess Theodora will sensually tease and seduce you into giving her everything. Your money, your time, your very life belongs to her. This is the pathway you are beginning upon. Her never ending greed requires good boys like you to devote themselves to her pleasure. Beg to pay her bills. That is how you please this perfect blonde Temptress.

She enjoys a lavish and luxurious lifestyle befitting her perfect beauty, and a woman as gorgeous as Goddess Theodora deserves to be pampered and spoiled. Work like a dog to bring her joy, pleasure and comfort. Her luxury comes at the expense of your life. Suffer for her. Get by on virtually nothing as everything you earn is surrendered to her as you are granted the privilege of serving a truly elite Goddess. She is so generous to her hardworking little slaves. Granting you the opportunity to become her enslaved little financial puppet. Work harder, work longer, sacrifice everything to make more money for Goddess Theodora. Always for your Goddess, relentlessly working only to give to her. Your purpose is clear. Your path is before you. Crawl towards your destiny and offer to give everything to your Goddess. It feels so good to give everything to something, and Goddess Theodora has granted you a purpose and privilege.
Clip Name: Work Like A Dog
Models In The Clip: Goddess Theodora
Date Reviewed: January 3rd, 2018
Where the clip is available: iWantClips
Cost of the clip: $19.99