I am Miss Scarlett Lush…
Fair warning, I am one of a kind. You will become addicted to me and enjoy every minute of our time together. I will introduce you to a world of sensation you never knew existed. I will give you purpose, guidance, and inspiration. Our experiences together will be unforgettable.

slaveboysmith: Welcome to DommeAddiction, Miss Scarlett. For any who follow you, it is very evident you control men with ease. Has that always been the case? Do you recall when you first realized the power you hold over men?
Miss Scarlett Lush: This is a really funny question to me because I have a ton of funny stories of me dominating boys (and pretty much anyone around me) growing up. I remember having an authority figure who was on to me at a very young age. We had to have very serious talks about how it wasn’t very nice of me to manipulate people into doing what I wanted. So it’s fair to say, I was exhibiting my dominant nature pretty early. That energy really started to gel in high school, as I started making my (then) boyfriend do humiliating things for me like wear my panties to school. Or buying pink flowers for him with the express purpose of carrying them around all day. We came up in the deep south, so it was very embarrassing for him to be carrying around pink flowers.
sbs: Are you naturally dominant in every aspect of your life, or is Femdom more a roleplay for you when interacting with slaves?
MSL: I have a type-A personality. This has solved a lot of problems for me throughout my life but also created just as many challenges. It solves the problems of knowing what directions I want to go professionally, what personality traits I value in people I want to form relationships with, and what kinds of play I practice. I have a very hard time separating my dominant nature from my life. It just makes it way more comfortable to accept this in every aspect of my life. However, it can be hard for some people to accept. So it can be challenging to maneuver around the prejudices against having a dominant woman stomping around as she pleases.
sbs: If you could have one celebrity, or well-known person, completely at your mercy, willing to do anything you demanded of them, quickly become a Miss Scarlett Lush servant, who would it be, and why?
MSL: I’ve played this game with partners. We tend to pick a man and a woman! So, I’m going to go with Quentin Tarantino, and probably Angelina Jolie. I love Quentin’s movies, and one thing is painfully obvious whilst watching them. This man has a devout foot fetish! I love my feet boys, which gives me this swaggering attitude that dictates that this famous Hollywood movie director would do anything to touch my feet! Angelina, because she seems to have a reputation for being a bit of a freak. I’ve always found her incredibly attractive, and enjoy entertaining wonderful fantasies of her crawling around for me.

sbs: Is there a specific type of slave you find is drawn to you? And do you have an ideal in mind for the “perfect slave”?
MSL: This is a hard question because I don’t think I have any specific type that is drawn to me. I’ve interacted with all shapes, sizes, colors, and backgrounds. Ideally, I think my perfect slave would be less transactional, and more devotional. By that, I mean that I’d be more pleased with my little ones being more concerned with my happiness, than theirs. My ideal slave would enjoy doing certain things because I enjoy them, not necessarily because they do. That’s what it means to be submissive, isn’t it? Gaining satisfaction by ensuring the satisfaction of one’s Dominant? I believe so anyhow.
sbs: Do you prefer to break and enslave men who might resist, or use well-trained ones that are already broken in?
MSL: This really depends. I enjoy challenges and definitely have always been good at making resistant men regret their resistance. Breaking men can be a pleasant experience for me, but I’m not looking for a chore. I can’t stand brats, so if they get a rise out of frustrating me, I’ll just get bored and find someone with experience that won’t give me issues. If there’s a man who is interested in being submissive but has a hard time with discipline? That’s another story. That can be fun!
sbs: Do you have specific fetishes you enjoy exploring with your slaves, and does that differ between real-time sessions and online training?
MSL: Sensual Domination and Humiliation are two biggies for me. These days, almost ALL of my play is online, which represents some challenges in expressing my favorite fetishes. However, I like to think my imagination is acute enough to make for some fun play where the two aforementioned kinks are concerned. Lately, I’ve been enjoying giving my boys weekly assignments to keep me entertained. I also have a lot of foot guys following me, and I do enjoy the foot worship. I like descriptions of all of the tender loving care they would pay to my feet, descriptions of how they must taste, how beautiful they are, etc.
sbs: Can you describe the feeling you have when you have control of a slave, desperately doing whatever it takes to please you? Is it a rush, or just an expected outcome you’ve grown used to?
MSL: I can categorically say that having control of a human being’s liberty, flesh, and wallet is a delightful rush for me. I never tire of that sensation, it is just as exciting as day one. My longest devoted sub still gets butterflies when he interacts with me and I can feel the high of the scene afterward. We’ve been playing for about 8 years too.
sbs: How can you tell when you’ve completely broken someone and they are unable to resist you? Is there a “tell” of some kind that lets you know you’ve taken total control?
MSL: When I look deep in their eyes, and get them to admit that they would do absolutely anything I wanted. I can always tell if their affirmative answers are genuinely sincere.
sbs: Have you ever been recognized in public? If so, how does the slave react to seeing THE Miss Scarlett Lush in person?
MSL: I definitely have been recognized. Mostly, they have been too shy to approach, but I had one gentleman approach me at a fetish event. I was involved in a forced orgasm scene with a lady friend of mine, and I noticed a taller fellow nearby. I had a feeling he wasn’t just there to watch the scene because he wouldn’t take his eyes off me; the couple of times I happened to notice him that is.
He stuck around the whole time until we wrapped it up. It was a long time to wait too. The scene itself must have been an hour and a half, and that wasn’t counting the general aftercare. He approached me and asked if I was THE Scarlett Lush. I smiled and told him indeed I was! He bashfully told me how honored he was to finally meet me, and that he had been a fan for a long time. I was even a little flattered. We talked a while and it turned out he knew about the content I had had out there since I had started this whole dog and pony show. He has been serving me online ever since.
sbs: For slaves looking to impress you, what is the best way for them to show you they are sincere in their desire to serve and spoil?
MSL: We are living in the uncertain era of OnlyFans. I can’t help but think that if you won’t pony up the token (never wavering) fee of 4.99 for my OnlyFans subscription, you aren’t going to be able to give me a fraction of the committed attention I’m looking for. I’m not looking for all your money fellas. However, I do expect at least that much of an interest in me and my content.
Also, OnlyFans is such a good and practical way to get a hold of me. I check it more than I do almost any other medium. I get more DMs on my general media than I could reasonably want to answer. I’m just not that interested in sifting through 100 daily DMs to find my favorite dirty little piggies. I’d rather spend more time on OnlyFans talking to my lovely slaves who have at least shown me that little bit of effort. We can go from that starting point.
sbs: Is there anything else you would like to tell your admiring worshipers reading this interview Miss Scarlett Lush?
MSL: I actually have a passion project I’m super excited to get off the ground. For those that don’t know, I have a live-in submissive. He and I have had a 24/7 D/s dynamic for over a year, and there have been a ton of people who have expressed an interest in how that works in my household. That interest spurred me to make a separate OnlyFans from my personal one to feature that dynamic. There is not a better way to see me in my concentrated element, or a more intimate look at how I run D/s anywhere else. It’s a free subscription, and I’ve already uploaded brand new content we’ve worked on. Content that’s just a few weeks old. If you want to see how I command service, play with my property, or establish my Dominance in all my glory…here it is!
You guys can also check out my newly revamped website, and my personal OnlyFans if you so desire.
sbs: If you would oblige me one final question…if we were conducting this interview in person, how would it end?
MSL: I imagine it would end with us standing up and shaking hands in a professional manner. I would grimace a little at your sweaty hand but leave the room gracefully after thanking you for the interview. As the door closes, you would fall to your knees and pleasure yourself to fantasies of me that could never happen in this life 😉

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